Fair allocation of d indivisible items to n people

The problem of the fair allocation of indivisible objects (such as a computer or a painting) arises in daily situations:

  • How to divide an inheritance amongst a group of heirs?
  • How to settle goods in a divorce?
  • How to allocate a limited number of medical supply materials amongst hospitals?

Allocating items to different people is more difficult than it might seem at first. In the case of 10 goods being allocated to 4 people, there are 1,048,576 possible allocations - do you think you can figure out which is optimal?

We have developed a fast algorithm that aims at finding allocations of goods such that everyone will be happy (each person values his bundle of received goods more than those of the others).

The algorithm is very easy to use and works also for large number of items and people. You can proceed with calculating an allocation here.

The algorithm is based on the research paper available here.